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The Wrapp Post

🗓 December 2021

Be creative this Xmas

It is estimated that over 227,000 miles of wrapping paper is used each year! To put that into context, that is the distance between Earth & the Moon!

With such a vast amount of paper used by everyone it is not surprising that the majority is not recycled properly!

An estimated 114,000 tonnes of plastic wrapping paper would be thrown away in the UK at Christmas! We wrote in a previous blog about easily knowing which types of paper can be recycled in a scrunch test.

We can however be creative:-

i. Use what you need. Buying rolls of paper can generate waste. Have you considered using existing paper you have around the home or office?

ii. Express yourself and personalise the paper. Potato printing on paper is one-way, or utilising your home or office printer can also generate unique and original results. Why not have your own branded paper so your recipients know it’s from you!

iii. Wrapping paper they won’t want to throw away! When you produce something by hand, there is a sentimental value to it. Try it, and delight your recipient before they even open your gift!

With over 150+ designs including a Christmas range for you to utilise or design your own!

Finally, once you have your design made and printed, share it with the rest of world using the social links below! We look forward in seeing them :)

Give someone the wow-factor this Xmas

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